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iPad Mini 6 YouTubed 2

When to Expect the Next iPad Mini and Low-End iPad Models to Launch

Sunday April 7, 2024 6:45 am PDT by
While rumors have been focused on new iPad Pro and iPad Air models, some Apple customers are wondering when the next iPad mini will be released. In his Power On newsletter today, Bloomberg's Mark Gurman said new iPad mini and entry-level iPad models will be released in late 2024 at the earliest. "The company is also working on new versions of the low-end iPad and iPad mini, but those...
10th Gen iPad Feature Deals 2

Best Buy Introduces Record Low Prices Across Every 10th Gen iPad

Sunday April 7, 2024 8:01 am PDT by
Following a few notable discounts on MacBooks yesterday, Best Buy today introduced a sale on the 10th generation iPad, including numerous all-time low prices on the tablet. Prices start at $349.00 for the 64GB Wi-Fi model, and include $100 markdowns on both Wi-Fi and cellular devices. Note: MacRumors is an affiliate partner with Best Buy. When you click a link and make a purchase, we may...
apple tv 4k yellow bg feature

When to Expect a New Apple TV to Launch

Tuesday April 9, 2024 8:30 am PDT by
It has been nearly a year and a half since the current Apple TV was released, so the device is becoming due for a hardware upgrade. Below, we recap rumors about the next Apple TV, including potential features and launch timing. The current model is the third-generation Apple TV 4K, announced in October 2022. Key new features compared to the previous model from 2021 include a faster A15...
iPhone 16 Pro Sizes Feature

Alleged iPhone 16 Battery Details Show Smaller Capacity for One Model

Tuesday April 9, 2024 3:46 am PDT by
Apple's upcoming iPhone 16 lineup will feature bigger battery capacities compared to previous-generation models with the exception of the iPhone 16 Plus, which will have a smaller battery than its predecessor. That's according to the Chinese Weibo-based leaker OvO Baby Sauce OvO, a relatively new source of supply chain leaks with an as-yet unproven track record for accuracy. The iPhone 16 ...
M3 iPad Feature 3

Gurman: New iPads Likely to Launch During Second Week of May

Sunday April 7, 2024 5:10 am PDT by
Apple will likely launch new iPad Pro and iPad Air models during the second week of May, according to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman. "For those looking for more specific timing, I'm told the launch will probably happen the week of May 6," said Gurman, in his Power On newsletter today. "Another data point to that end: Apple retail stores are preparing to receive new product marketing materials...
iPhone 16 Side 2 Feature

iPhone 16 Pro Expected Later This Year With These 12 New Features

Tuesday April 2, 2024 7:50 am PDT by
While the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max are still months away from launching, there are already over a dozen rumors about the devices. Below, we have recapped new features and changes expected for the devices so far. These are some of the key changes rumored for the iPhone 16 Pro models as of April 2024:Larger displays: The iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max will be equipped with large...
Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite Laptop

Microsoft Says Windows Laptops With Snapdragon X Elite Will Be Faster Than M3 MacBook Air

Monday April 8, 2024 10:00 am PDT by
Microsoft will advertise that its upcoming Windows laptops with Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite processor are faster than the MacBook Air with Apple's latest M3 chip, according to internal documents obtained by The Verge. "Microsoft is so confident in these new Qualcomm chips that it's planning a number of demos that will show how these processors will be faster than an M3 MacBook Air for CPU...